Slut Potential

October 28, 2007 on 10:05 am | In Asian

When we first saw Elvie, we knew that this exotic babe would make a great sex toy. She just has that special quality that you should look for in a slut – someone who’s a little shy and hesitant at first but after a little coaxing and encouraging would eagerly spread her legs wide and even offer her ass for your cock. We knew that Elvie has that special quality and we sent our man Arjay to check her out.

Slut Potential Slut Potential Slut Potential

Arjay first made sure that Elvie is relaxed and comfortable. He invited her for a swim and when these two started kissing, Arjay knew that it was the perfect time to test Elvie’s potential. He made this babe sit on his face and when she eagerly plopped her wet pussy on his mouth, he knew he had a chance. Her final test was to have her slutty face sprayed with cum and this Asian babe sure passed with flying colors.

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