Selena’s Simple

October 8, 2007 on 4:34 pm | In Latinas

Latina babes really don’t need much fuss when they want to seduce someone. All they ever really need is their hot tight body and give them some sexy lingerie and they’re more than ready to make a man hard in seconds and cum in minutes. Take a look at Selena here, this latina hottie is just dressed in a sheer black lingerie and just getty comfy in a nice red couch.

Selena's Simple Selena's Simple Selena's Simple

Selena takes things painfully slow at first – smiling at us while crossing and uncrossing her sexy long legs. When she realized just how serious we were about seeing her naked, she took her job more seriously and then spread her legs right there on the couch. It then took her just seconds to undress and play with her pussy to orgasm.

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