Angelica Needs Cash

October 29, 2007 on 10:14 am | In Latinas

We spotted Angelica shopping and we knew that this latina babe was just perfect for our next shoot. She was beautiful – gorgeous silky hair, deep brown eyes and a smile that could melt anyone’s heart. She was just the perfect picture of sexy and sweet and we wanted to have this mamacita naked and waiting for us in bed.

Angelica Needs Cash Angelica Needs Cash Angelica Needs Cash

Turned out Angelica needed a little cash and so she immediately agreed and went over to our house. We can’t help but stare at her beautiful face but when she started stripping, we can’t help but gaze down at those round tits. Her babies are just perfect – small but a handful and topped with pink nips. We wanted to stre longer but then, she took off her lacy panties and finally we had a great view of her spicy cunt.

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