Maricar’s Surprise

October 2, 2007 on 12:49 pm | In Latinas

We’re so used to seeing big-titted hotties but it doesn’t mean that we don’t appreciate all those small tits mamas. In fact, we bring you one right now – a small tits latina who’s appettite for sex is as big as any hot bloodied mamacita is.

Maricar's Surprise Maricar's Surprise Maricar's Surprise

We were excited to shoot Maricar – her tits might be small but this hottie packs one gorgeous body. Her long legs, small waist and that plump butt were more than enough for us to swoon over. We followed her perfect tan line and realized that she wasn’t even wearing any underwear underneath. It seems like this spicy latina is eager for the fucking just as much as we are. Click here for more Latina action!

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