Kira Follows Orders

October 22, 2007 on 2:27 am | In Asian

It’s hard to take on soldiers for they are always hungry for some pussy and won’t stop until they’ve had enough of some sweet pussy juices and some nice pussy meat. One soldier is already too much to handle and could get a little rowdy in bed but Kira doesn’t mind. She loves to be fucked hard and rough and she cums harder when she’s used like some cheap slut.

Kira Follows Orders Kira Follows Orders Kira Follows Orders

We weren’t sure though if she could take two soldiers at the same time. We thought that this girl sure would split but Kira rose up to the occassion like the real slut whe is. She handled their cocks real well and alternated between sucking them and getting fucked by them. She was even loving every minute of her DP and just loved it when she ended up coated in their fresh cum.

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