Kendra’s In Charge

October 19, 2007 on 1:37 am | In Black

Kendra is the kind of babe that you can keep waiting in your house and believe that she’ll be ok. This ebony hottie knows how to take care of herself so if you leave her alone for some time, don’t worry. Kendra knows just what to and she’ll be more than ready for you when you get back.

Kendra's In Charge Kendra's In Charge Kendra's In Charge

Kendra here was left all alone by her boyfriend and she didn’t mind being left alone. She’ll never be lonely and she’ll never be bored for this ebony babe has things to attend to – her hungry ebony hole. She keeps herself busy by burying her fingers deep into her snatch and massaging those huge tits with the other hand. She was so hot and wet that she just opened her mouth for her boyfriend to stuff his cock into as a welcome.

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