Mercedez Takes Two

September 30, 2007 on 12:45 pm | In Latinas

Latina babes really can take a hard pounding and even two cocks at the same time. So when it comes to hardcore group fucking, we always turn to some trusty latina sluts to deliver. We weren’t disappointed when Mercedez answered our call for we knew that this big-titted whore can more than handle the job we appointed her.

Mercedez Takes Two Mercedez Takes Two Mercedez Takes Two

Mercedez went right on to business – bending over to suck a huge cock while motioning for the other man to fuck her cunt. When she finally had her fill of both cocks, she spread wide to have her cum-filled fanny licked and sucked. For being such great fucks, Mercedez alternately sucked their cocks and even allowed them to cum on her slutty face. Click here to see more Latina babes in action!

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