Asian Babe Banged

September 24, 2007 on 2:11 pm | In Asian

When we got to visit Asia, we made sure to have a piece of those hot Asian women. We had out friend Danny call up a friend of his and sure enough, there was a hot Asian babe in a very revealing black dress. We wanted to be the first to have a go at her but since Danny is her fuck buddy, we just had to watch and wait for our turn.

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Cathy had firm tits and erect choco nips that we just wanted to suck and lick. Danny seemed to have read our minds as he wasted no time lapping at those gorgeous tips before he had Cathy spread to lick her pussy. We were drooling when we glimpsed Cathy’s tight Asian cunt and it took a lot of self-control not to go there and fuck her all at once.

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