Luciana in our studio

August 4, 2007 on 2:26 am | In Black

Luciana is 19 years old student of Afro-American art school in Connecticut. But Luciana’s real passion is posing naked in front of a camera. Even when she is in the school or when she is studying, she have a big time problem with a concentration. All she wants is to be naked, all she wants is to guys watch her black hairy beaver and fantastic long beautiful legs with sexy, not to big, rounded dark booty.

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We did not have a hard time finding Luciana for shooting. We were in campus looking for some gorgeous coed. After she entered in our studio she started to undress and pushing the beautiful long nailed fingers directly in the cunt before we even started shooting.
That day Luciana was especially hot and nasty and we managed to shoot more that 190 pics of her. Click here and see them all.

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