Cheering Melissa Up

December 24, 2007 on 2:54 am | In Black

Melissa is just the kind of babe we’d love to hang out with. She’s funny and never boring and we always have a great time with this beautiful black babe. Plus, this hot chick allows us to flirt with her and we could even touch her anywhere if she’s up to it. So when we got an invitation to chill at her place, we eagerly accepted.

Cheering Melissa Up Cheering Melissa Up Cheering Melissa Up

Melissa was a little stressed out when we got there. She wasn’t feeling good and was so bored, we needed to do something to shake all that negativity from her. We decided to give her a foot massage and it seemed like it worked. We were just starting to squeeze and knead Melissa’s foot but she was already purring like a cat in heat. We decided that this babe needed something more than a massage to make her feel good.. Melissa has to have a dick in her cunt.

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