Fruit Fucking Asians

November 19, 2007 on 6:37 am | In Asian

Anara and Leslie are bestfriends who grew up together. They love to play and now that they’re both adults, they’ve started playing something else. They wanted to play pretend and they are now pretending to be on a picnic. Anara brought with her a basket full of fruits and of course, Leslie brought the blankets and the pillows.

Fruit Fucking Asians Fruit Fucking Asians Fruit Fucking Asians

They loved playing so much that they started rubbing the watermelon all over each other. Anara then started licking the juice off Leslie’s smooth skin before taking off her panties and grounding her pussy into Leslie’s face. These Asian hotties were soon fucking each other’s pussies with a piece of the watermelon.

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