Maricris is Back

November 6, 2007 on 12:17 am | In Black

You probably remember Maricris coz who could forget this busty latina babe. She sure made work difficult for us that day, posing seductively and invitingly when all we wanted to do was fuck her hard. We readied ourselves for another frustrating afternoon knowing that it would be long before we get a shot at her spicy cunt.

Maricris is Back Maricris is Back Maricris is Back

Maricris was waiting at the bar when we got to her place. She was only wearing her bra and matching panties with sexy red stockings and boots. When she saw us, she didn’t even bother standing up or welcoming us but just spread her legs and winked. If you ask us, that was the best welcome we could ever have and we sure won’t mind if she takes off her bra just to top it all off.

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